Team SirenSwag's week 1 Power Rankings

Hello, Swag here with another amazing power rankings. This time I will show some love to those Fedora wearers. Actually I just bought one myself and my success rate for picking up women has gone up dramatically. It can with you too if you go to “” and use promo code #Virgin you get $10 off your next order.
Sector 1:
S TIER: (2-0) RAWR
This team is the most intimidating team in the league. Bunch of emo kids on one team who spam “RAWR XD” is the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen. Their botlane went a combined 18/0/25 their first game. Was it because they went against a weaker team? Or was it because they have 2 smurfs on their team? Vegas odds for this team getting comp ruled at the end of the season is -300.
Tactical Feed (2-1)This team understands when to feed and how to feed. They are all licensed therapists with the exception of BlueFacedBeast. With a recipe that like it’s no wonder they were able to upset TD Poro. Best player has to be PurpleHavok. Vegas odds for this team making it a whole season without losing a player is -700.
A TIER: Trash Panda Esports (1-2)
They are indeed disgusting animals. Both in a positive and in a negative sense. The positive…. Shit I don’t think there is a positive… The negative, Pandorum can’t play Hecarim and you shouldn’t let that man touch the Shadow Horse again. Also, how do you have a dude named Trashy for Trash Panda’s and he isn’t playing like the main character? Redemption arch incoming? Vegas Odds for Pandorum picking Lee Sin and having a positive KDA is +300OSG Avalanche (2-1)Avalanches aren’t cool and I have lost my family to one. The fact that this team has it in their team name feels like a personal insult to me. I have created a Voodoo doll for this team and have ensured no success will come to them. Vegas odds of this team winning the league +5000
B TIER: JR Swashbucklers (2-1)
Pirates vs a President. Pirates will win every single time. Where was the secret service this week? Recently they’ve been struggling to keep their presidents safe and it’s got people in the US feeling rather unsafe. The dicking that happened in the top lane also confirmed this. Vegas odds for the Swashbucklers to play a pirate champ in the next few weeks is -150
Dynasty Eclipse (0-2)
Only team in this division to not win a game last week. That’s okay though, Dynasty is in their team name and it’s never about the first game/series. My crystal ball tells me this team goes on a strong 4-0 sweep against both TD teams and will make the playoffs as the 6th seed. This team also has pimp on their team.. And the streets of Compton have taught me to always trust Pimps. They have the fairest prices.
D TIER: TD Royal/TD Poro (1-2)Both teams got upset. Was I surprised? No. This raises the question that we have all been wondering. Is Toxin washed at building teams? Was Rex the reason this team succeeded for so many years? Is the TD budget gone? Does Toxin only have enough money to sign undrafted players? The world keeps asking but Toxin’s silence speaks volumes. Expect Roster changes in the next few weeks. Vegas odds for TD Royal/TD Poro to get the 1st seed in Sector 1 +500000000000000000000000000000000000000
Sector 2:
S TIER: Team Siren (2-1)Nothing changes here. We still #1. Our budget is the size of the LA Dodgers and we have signed the one and only Cuban Faker to be our Mid Laner. Vegas odds to win the Championship -110
Puff and Sons (2-0)The cereal has improved and I am obsessed with it. They actually used one of the subs and the flexibility of this roster is something to lose sleep over. This team just needs to not get suspended for their takes on twitter and this team is a top 3 team in the league. Vegas odds to win 6th Man of the year -110TD Harmony (0-2)How do you lose the bye week? Well, with Toxin he does it effortlessly. This team is another top 3 team in the league. Not a surprise that Toxin took all the best TD players and threw them on a team with him. Dude doesn’t have the nickname “TD Dictator” for a reason. Vegas odds for Toxin to go 0/10 in the next 3 weeks is -110
A TIER: JR Broadside Buccaneers (1-2)
With a record of 1-2, their team comps are as questionable as a pirate's sense of direction. Their ADC “Longshot Larry” has a hit rate that makes you wonder if he's aiming at the right screen, while their jungler “Cannonball Carl” seems to think ganking means running headfirst into turrets. Mid-laner “Treasure Hunter Tim” spends more time searching for blue buffs than landing skill shots, and the support, “Deckhand Dave,” wards like he's decorating for a pirate-themed birthday party. Top-laner “Captain Crunch” holds his lane as well as a ship in a storm, which is to say, not at all. Despite their antics, they’re the most fun to watch—mainly because you never know if you’re in for a surprise victory or a spectacular shipwreck.
B TIER: Conduit Monarch
Ah, the Conduit Monarchs, reigning supreme with a 2-0 record and playing with the confidence of a king who just found out his crown comes with free snacks. Their ADC “Royal Sniper” Robin hits targets with the precision of a tax collector at a peasant fair, while jungler “Crown Jewel” Jake clears the jungle like he's tidying up his royal garden. Mid-laner “Scepter Master” Sam can thread skill shots through the tiniest gaps, making opponents feel like they're navigating a maze designed by a sadistic court jester. Support “Knight Guard” Nick provides protection more reliable than the Queen’s Guard, and top-laner “High Tower” Henry stands tall, defending his lane like it’s the entrance to the royal treasury. The Monarchs' strategic prowess and unshakeable synergy make them the team to beat, ruling the Rift with an iron fist and a golden scepter, all while sipping on the finest virtual tea.
C Tier: Contingent Red
Enter Contingent Red, valiantly holding a 0-2 record with the determination of a team that’s clearly been reading the wrong playbook. Their ADC “Missfire Mike” has a penchant for aiming at everything but enemy champions, while jungler “Wanderlust Will” treats ganking like a sightseeing tour, often missing the action entirely. Mid-laner “Lost Cause Larry” spends more time in the fountain than the battlefield, pondering life’s big questions like, “Why am I always dead?” Support “Misplace” Mary wards like she’s trying to plant a magical bean garden, and top-laner “Feeble Fred” defends his lane like it’s a revolving door for enemy champions. Despite their struggles, they bring a unique charm to the game, providing endless entertainment with their unpredictable antics. Watching Contingent Red is like watching a comedy of errors, but hey, at least they’re consistently amusing!
Top 10 PR
- Team Siren
- Puff and SON’s
- TD Harmony
- Tactical Feed
- Trash Panda Esports
- OSG Avalanche
- JR SwashBucklers
- JR Broadside Buccaneers
- TD Poro
Player rankings
Top Lane
1. Dark Python (SIREN)
2. Xil69 (TDH)
3. Nokk (RAWR)
4. Elohim (PNS)
5. TrainerGain (JRBB)
1. imabadfish2 (JRS)
2. Materium22 (TAC)
3. Brexit Apologist (PNS)
4. Pandorum (TPE)
5. Doki (RAWR)
Mid Lane
1. Chung Myung (SIREN)
2. Billbuthole (TAC)
3. Puffin (PNS)
4. Tyler (TPE)
5. Cake22 (JRS)
1. 1Hand (PNS)
2. Chaotic Obsidian (RAWR)
3. thefunniman (TDR)
4. FeelsPanMan (CEM)
5. RedFacedBeast (TAC)
1. 足かせ (RAWR)
2. LswordlV (PNS)
3. Swag (SIREN)
4. Tyserion (OSGA)
5. BDuhMana (TPE)