Team SirenRFB: A tale as old as a biblical story

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The battle of red faced beast vs puff and sons was a David vs Goliath story of sorts and will go down in history as a myth or legend of sorts. Red face claimed to know the location of the holy grail and the secret to prosperity. Puff and sons being doubters and non believers backed red face into a corner and he just had no choice but to start swinging. Puff himself caught the biggest stray when red questioned the size of his manhood and ability to please a woman. In the end many good men fell in this battle but I Rera will go on to tell the tale.

I think Shrek is a good idea for the next champion in league of legends. I think water as a buff is over all underutilized and could be a really fun and interesting way to introduce Shrek. Shrek would have the passive “My Swamp” where when he fights in water it becomes his swamp and he gets massive buffs to stats and maybe like an auto attack passive like gnar or vayne. His q could be an ability that snares or slows any enemies who are currently standing in a small circle of shreks swamp. His W would be called “Donkey” where Shrek would ride donkey for a set distance or until interruption at the end he would spill water making an area his swamp for a small amount of time. His E would be “burp” it would be a cone style attack and apple a debuff called sick and would lower enemy stats and give them a beer goggles effect. R would be a domain expansion style ability where Shrek would take an area of the map and yell “welcome to my swamp” any friends or enemies within it would get taken to a Morde like domain and have to fight. I think Shrek could be a real game changer in the competitive scene especially around but not limited to Barron fights, rift herald fights, grubbies fights, infernal dragon fights, water dragon fights, air dragon fights, earth dragon fights, chemical dragon fights, elder dragon fights, scuttle fights. Just a real game changer in river combat.

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