Team SirenIt started with a meme

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It wasn't really a meme to start off with

If you don't know the story of Team Siren start here

"This is bigger than us"

It isn't really, were mostly a bunch of washed up garbage league players who have peaked at Platinum which truly isn't that far off from the team our namesake comes from. We are competing in LXC (check out their YouTube) and we are here to meme the ever living shit out of this experience and just have a good time. So check back here for updates on how the season goes along with all of the additional content we will be releasing like this song.

We hope we will put a smile on your face, and no one takes things too seriously.

Team Siren of LXC:

  • DarkPython: Top
  • Rera: Jungle
  • FentChugging Charles: Mid
  • WulleyBully: ADC
  • Swag: Support